Ukulele Adult Intermediate
Simply sign up and pay for any of our classes online, then download and print your gift voucher. Hey presto, present! Gift voucher is valued for 1 year and can be used on any of our 6 week courses.
"Join our relaxed and sociable adults night class and learn how to play the songs you love with confidence."
What to expectONLINE: As well as 6 group classes you will also have access to our library of video tutorials, notes and sheet music to keep you motivated outside of class time. Once you've sign up you have life-time access. You can log in here: Student Login
IN CLASSES: Lessons will be tailored to the group and individual learning styles . The Intermediate class is designed for beginner that are still familiarising themselves with the fundamentals of; strumming, changing chords, singing and playing at the same time and are looking to further develop their skills. If you're still getting to grips with the basics, check out our beginner classes. DetailsDates: 19th Oct- 7th Dec (excluding 26th oct & 16th Nov)
Cost: Prepay £40 for 6 lesson Location: Bubbahub Café, 20 North street, Southville Start dates: Sign up if your interested and we'll get back to you with a date shortly. Equipment: Ukuleles, songs and materials are all provided Questions? call Josh: 07414665382 FAQ 1.Q: Do I need to do the beginner class before I can move up to intermediate? A: No, you can join any classes you like. See our criteria guide below. 2.Q: How do I know if I am Beginner, Intermediate? A: If you meet one or more of the following criteria: Intermediate: Can play 4 or more chords or can play a similar stringed instrument, such as a guitar. Can strum and play a song. Can tune their ukulele. 3.Q: What if I find the class too easy or too difficult? A: You can swap anytime to a class that suits you better, just ask! Secure your place in the classFill in the sign up sheet on the left. When you've finished, click the "sign up" button at the bottom and the next page will give you options for payment, including credit and debit cards, pay pal, bank details or in person.